Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Run the Farm

A l'oree du bois....
A trail run in one of those beautiful Indian Summer mornings in the rolling hills of upper Westchester... pure bliss, right?

Well that was the plan. This year's racing season had officially (started and) ended last week for me with the Croton 10K so I was here to take in the sun, the fall foliage, the trails, enjoy this beauty and be part of nature... . But in the end this hilly trail run through the forests with no mile markers and treacherous footing ended up like an allegory of life:

You want to enjoy it and take in the scenery, but this actually is a competition and there's no time to goof off; you would like to know where you are and have a sense of where you're going, but in the deep of the woods you're lost; you would want to be able to look ahead and plan further than the next bend but there is always something to deal with in urgency (here, the roots and rocks under the thick leaf carpet); you want to believe that you're strong but younger and smarter chaps keep passing you; one minute, you're exhilarated (downhill) but the next you're in agony (cliff); and every now and then you remember why you're here and want to enjoy some of the beauty of it after all but hey, you're too tired anyways... 

And like life, all of this makes more sense when you share it. So thanks for reading this, and when you come visit us next October I know where to take you. Run the Farm, and then eat the Dutch-style brownie pies at the farmer's market. 


PS les stats: 5 miles, 37:26, 7:29 pace, 21/440 overall, 20/276 males, 6/54 in age group  

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Picture perfect

Belle journee d'automne + Gabi + foot = sourires
Cliquez sur la premiere image pour voir le diaporama


Friday, October 25, 2013


3 ans... elle s'en leche les babines
Il a aussi commence le soccer arborant fierement l'Orange de Croton
SuperDaddy! 41:52 pour 10K, 7eme place et une tarte aux pommes
SuperKids de la Gran Colombia: Guima, Elena, Clayton
Salut a tous!

Comme souvent, a l'approche de l'hiver, un cirrus de nostalgie flotte au dessus de Croton-la-Haute.... l'excitation de la rentree est passee, les teintes de l'ete indien commencent a fanir, la chaleur de l'ete est oubliee, le bleu du ciel est de plus en plus sombre le soir en rentrant du boulot... c'est aussi l'epoque d'Halloween, ses bonbons, ses petits vampires et autres monstres suconsommateurs de Suburbia, et on se demande vraiment si ca valait la peine de quitter ceux qu'on aime pour aller faire tourner des ballons sur son nez. 

La seule chose qui puisse donner du sens a tout ca, ce n'est pas une chose. C'est la famile, les amis, et partager un petit bout de notre vie. Alors voila: quelques photos parmi les plus recentes pour vous donner un gout de notre actualite. L'anniversaire de Clarita, puis de Gabi, les concerts de Guima (http://youtu.be/Po6x559d1ko) et les courses a pied de SuperDaddy... ca vous fait un mois d'octobre, un de plus!


Francois & Flia